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Playstation 3 Faults = 2 Xbox 360 Red Rings of Doom = 0

Date: 07-16-2009   Click: 1248
Playstation 3 Faults = 2 Xbox 360 Red Rings of Doom = 0

Microsofts Xbox 360 has been plagued with the ongoing hardware failures, caused by the infamous “Red Rings Of Doom”. However, this year alone I have been through two Playstation 3 consoles (about to receive the third), and my Xbox 360 has yet to even “rrod” once.

Three months ago I received a replacement Playstation 3, which I had to pay £145 for. My original Playstation 3; which I bought in April of 2007, decided to never turn back on again. Instead it flashed a green light for 2 seconds then turned into a flashing red light. The adviser on the Sony technical support telephone service explained that the fault could be due to numerous hardware failures. Seeing as I was out of warranty I had no choice but to pay £145 for a replacement 60gb Playstation 3.

So here I am three months later; I turn on my Playstation 3 to play some Metal Gear Solid 4, but then a friend of mine sends me a message. I then begin to reply when the unthinkable happens, my Playstation 3 cuts off and presents me with that same flashing red light I was presented with just over three months ago. I’m sure you can imagine my frustration and panic at this time as I really shouldn’t have to fork out another £145 for this B.S. I dial the number for the Sony technical support line and tell the respondent my situation.

Luckily, I do not have to pay another £145 because the warranty on the replacement system lasted 3 months itself, and I will be receiving another replacement Playstation 3 60gb tomorrow. However that does not make me happy.

For one, why have I had the same problem with Playstation 3 twice in just 3 months? Shouldn’t I be expecting my Xbox 360 to be giving me this kind of hassle, as they are notoriously known to break down frequently? This just goes to show that it’s not only Microsoft’s system that has hardware issues to work on.

Secondly, I was very displeased to know that It may take up to a total of six weeks for me to receive my Metal Gear Solid 4 blu-ray disk back. That was one of my favorite games, and your telling me I have to wait up to Six weeks to get it back?

Not only that, but you must ship the console with your hard drive (Unless you replaced it), which means this is the 2nd time in 3 months that I have lost all my game data and will have to start every single game again, as well as install every single patch.

As somebody who prefers the Playstation 3 over the Xbox 360, I can honestly say I am unhappy with Sony on this issue. It would be easier to pay for a warranty, but at this time I cant afford it, and I certainly cant afford to fork out another £145 should this happen again outside of the 3 month window.

So to all those out there that bash Microsoft for all their hardware failures, you can not rule out the fact that Sony have hardware issues of their own.

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